
Innisfree Long Wear Cushion and Cushion Primer (2015 summer kit)


Innisfree Long Wear Cushion and Cushion Primer
Innisfree Long Wear Cushion and Cushion Primer
I knew before I went to Seoul this summer that the cushion I wanted to buy was an Innisfree one, because of all the great thing I read and watched (on YouTube) about them.

Innisfree has 3 types of cushion (and all of them come in 3 shades: 13 light beige, 21 natural beige, 23 true beige): Long Wear cushion, Water Glow cushion and Ampoule Intense cushion. Since I'm not a fan of the "dewy look" (although it was the only look I could have in Seoul during the day -the humidity is crazy), and the ampoule one is better for dry skins, I chose the long wear one. As with every cushion, once you ended it, a filler can be bought.

Innisfree Long Wear Cushion 21
Innisfree Long Wear Cushion 21

This cushion has a lot of properties. In Innisfree's words: 4 out of 5 stars in coverage, sebum control, sweat proof, it achieves a blurred and poreless skin and the best part- it is SPF50+ and PA+++
Apparently the primer has Jeju Volcanic powder which enhances the long wear properties. In case you want to read everything on the box:

Innisfree 2015 summer kit information
Innisfree 2015 summer kit information

I got this kit or the same price of a cushion so it was a great deal. But... do I like it?

Now, I haven't tried any other cushions but let me tell you- I LOVE this one. It actually does everything it says:

  • Long wear? Checked. I only used it in Seoul at night when I went out partying but I came back to the hotel with my face looking exactly the same.
  • Sebum control? Checked. Also, no shiny anything!
  • Reduced the appearance of discolorations and imperfections? Checked.
  • Coverage? I was honestly not expecting a coverage this good. Also, even if it provides a lot of coverage, it feels lightweight and not at all sticky.

I've only used it with the primer, so maybe it is even more long wear because of that, but I have the suspicion that the cushion itself last a whole lot of hours.
Trying it on:
Innisfree Long Wear Cushion before
I'm not wearing makeup here, I just finished my morning skincare routine about 30 minutes before I took this photo. So this is all my skin in its hyper pigmentation and zits glory- the first one only got worse with Seoul's humidity and hot weather.
Innisfree Long Wear Cushion after
And this is the after- I only applied it on the cheek and without primer, so you could really see the difference in the complexion. I only applied "one puff" of the cushion, but as all cushions, the coverage is buildable.

In my honest opinion, if you have oily skin and you're looking for a good cushion this a great choice to keep in mind.
Both the primer and the cushion have a flowery scent that I personally like, but I know some people might not like it, so take that also into consideration.

Innisfree cushion primer swatch
Innisfree cushion primer swatch

The primer is white when out of the tube, but once you apply it is completely transparent.

This summer kit is still available in both physical and online stores, and I honestly think it's a great deal to try both product for the price of one. I leave the link here in case anyone is interested.

Innisfree Summer Cushion Kit
Innisfree Summer Cushion Kit

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4 comentarios

  1. The coverage looks SO GOOD.
    I've got the water glow one (because I've got some severe dry skin problems...) but now my hands are kinda itching for this version, too. Maybe next summmer...? I really love the natural look it gives you!


    1. Thank you!
      If you have dry skin I really wouldn't recommend this... I had some dry patches the other day (my skin is getting used to the new regime) and the cushion held into them as soon as I came put of the house :(
      Maybe try it first if you have the opportunity? Like go to the store without makeup and just try it for some hours and if it is still good buy it!

  2. Really? I was thinking of purchasing this Innisfree Cushion Primer. I would say I have dry skin and I really do not like the dry patches when I use primer. I haven't found a good primer yet that prevents dry patches showing. :(

    1. I don't know how this primer would perform on dry skin but since is kind of creamy maybe you'd be good with it? It's really inexpensive, so maybe you can give it a try? I would recommend to try hydrating primers, with as little silicone as possible!



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